Thursday 13 November 2014


This painting is from one of my antique books, a porcelain figurine of Columbina. I was inspired by the colours and the sense of movement.

                                     Columbina - Anne Stemp  2014 c.


Sunday 9 November 2014

Time to Remember

The camera misted up and gave this poppy embroidery an ethereal quality which I felt was appropriate to the subject.

                                         Time to Remember - Anne Stemp 2014 c.

Friday 7 November 2014

Shrouded in Mystery

This print was created by wrapping a large rusty nail and red hypericum leaves in cotton fabric.I bound the whole thing with elastic bands and left it in water overnight, the fabric was double sided so that when  opened out, the image was mirrored. The action of nature on materials can produce interesting images which are open to interpretation by the imagination.

                                           Shrouded in Mystery - Anne Stemp copyright 2014

Monday 20 October 2014

Shell Division

This embroidery is based on a spiral shell. I tried to create a three dimensional effect by graduating the colours. I made a template and photocopied it, then drew onto the fabric and stitched. It's a bit like painting with threads. The design is based on symmetry but like nature it's not always exact and that's how evolutionary change occurs.

                                          Shell Division - Anne Stemp copyright 2014

Thursday 25 September 2014

The Hare and Tortoise Mandala

 I created the basic pattern sometime ago drawing on folded paper and creating a repeat design stencil. I did'nt know what to do with it until recently I felt like doing some embroidery. I began by dying the fabric with ink in a random fashion, then drew around the design stencil onto the fabric and finally embroidered the work in a variety of stitches. I outlined the white  hare in gold and stopped there. The hare and tortoise are from the well known Aesops' fable.......take your time and reflect.

The Hare and The Tortoise Mandala - Anne Stemp copyright.